Monday, September 26, 2005

Air Force Mom and Dad Online Support Site

"Welcome to the family"

You've said your last goodbye and your child heads off
for basic military training. They are now out of site.

For maybe 18 years, or even a bit longer in the case of
some kids who enter basic military training later in life,
you've been preparing them for this point.

What parent has not heard a 2 year old exclaim….
"I DO --- I DO" !!!!

They come into this world with a fierce determination to
do things THEIR WAY !!!!!

Our job has been to love, teach, guide and protect…
and then to LET GO.

On the day of their birth, they either popped out
or were lifted out of your body and then SNIP – they were LET GO.

You might be a Stepparent of this AF child, but you have
offered them love, teaching, guidance and protection.
Your letting go, can be just as emotional as a bio parent.

Wasn't it just yesterday you pushed them off on that
two wheeled bike… and then LET GO.

Most likely at no time in your child's life has your roll
changed so quickly and so drastically, as the day you say goodbye.

Another thing that mucks up a parent's emotions at this time is

Memories of your AF child's entire life ~FLASH~ before your mind….
You start to question….. "Was I a good enough parent" ?
"Was I too strict…. Was I not strict enough…..Should I have done
this… Should I have done that ??????

This is not a conscious choice to question or recall all of this,
it just SHOWS UP. !!!! BAMM – BAMM !!!
That triggers emotions and memories from your own life and
your own childhood, your parents and your life choices. !!!

Swirl all that above thinking around, and unless you've served in
the military yourself, you are clueless as to what to expect
will be happening in your child's life in the coming weeks.

Then smart you searches around the world wide web and you find….
The Air Force Mom and Dad site.

It's just like walking in a warm cozy cabin from a bitter cold
freezing night .
A large stone fireplace is crackling in the background.
New friends pat you on the back, and some hug you as you make
your way around the room. Tears stream down your cheeks
as you come to understand that ALL these folks have been
in your shoes, and they get what you are going through.

Right now, you might be the newbie, but in a very short time,
another parent will sign on this site and the torch will be passed.
You'll welcome them with open arms and share your stories helping
to ease their stress saying… "Welcome to the family".

Deb in Ohio
PAFM of Vinny
Posted Aug 2005


Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Echo From The Past...


Free Public Domain Photo

(Shakespeare Quote from Troilus and Cressida Play Act lll Scene 3)