Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I was checking out today at a store
in my local neighborhood.   I said
'Hello' to the cashier.   The young man
shook his head and said...

"It's a bad day, it's a bad day".

I responded to him....

"Try saying I'm having a bad
moment".   "If you continue to
say bad day,  your whole day
could indeed be bad".

He stopped, looked me in the
eyes and said.....'You're right
I'm having a bad moment'.
A smile came to his face and
he said....'that's a great way
to look at it'.   :)

I smiled and thought of
Phil Gerbyshak....


The young man handed me
my receipt and I asked him
what his name was.....
He stumbled a second and

I said to him.......
"Christian, I am going to
send you GREAT vibes for the
rest of the day".   

He smiled an EAR to EAR grin
and said....'THANK YOU'.

It takes just the simplest
of kindness to make someone's
Hopefully it made Christian's
and in the quick communication

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How to Grow A Life Long Learner

Over at Rosa Says Talking Story with
Say Leadership Coaching all month
27 authors are posting articles about learning:

This started me thinking just where does this desire to learn come from ? 
Children are inquisitive by nature.  Spend anya mount of time with a 4 or 5 year old and
you will know just what I am talking about.
When they ask questions answer as honestly as you can.   Offer just a little something more that goes
beyond the original question and you are teaching them how to construct their
own puzzle of learning.
If you don’t know the answer, grab some age appropriate book and find out together.
The ~ beauty ~ of this approach is that you teach them that you really don’t know
everything, but you put value and importance on learning yourself.
Children are like tiny little sponges, they are very curious by nature.

When you answer their questions or seek out answers together you are
teaching them that they are worth your time.    You also fertilize and
foster a mindset that just wants to know more and more.

Catch them young and nurture that seed of learning, and you set up your childto be a life long learner.

Friday, September 1, 2006

~ Breathe ~


I've emailed this to a few friends today.

It's a gentle reminder that I had created last year for
a group of Air Force friends and myself.

Many have printed it out and have it sitting nearby. 
It's just a visual to ourselves to take a breath
and re-center our ~spirit~.


Seasoning of life

Seasoning of life

Sprinkle on a generous amount of gratitude and
all of life becomes more palatable.   
footnote:   May need constant reapplication 
of gratitude for fuller flavor.

D. Estep   9-1-2006