Saturday, August 12, 2017

Friends In All Seasons

~ Friends In All Seasons ~

I will attempt to understand you,
even when you don't understand you.
I ask the same of you.

When I speak to you and attempt
to console or council you,
You may not like the words I speak,
but I will speak them in friendship,
a friendship that has a foundation
of love and caring.

It's quite easy to be friends on
a sunny bright day, when all is
well and the birds sing us their song.

It's quite another thing to have found
ourselves caught in a flash flood.
I have a tight grip on a tree
branch and our hands are gripped
together holding on, lest we be swept away.

We were placed in each other's life paths
for a reason. We have bonded by the
parallels of our lives.
I am thankful for you.

In all seasons my friend,
May you feel the embrace
of my friendship, and I yours.

Dedicated to
3-27-2004~~~ Love Deb

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