Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The New Normal April 2020

Today is....  Tuesday April 21, 2020

This message was shared by someone who I have recently 'met' on

Zelda Christine Wilkes-White

A little perspective, take as you like....
After D’s accident and through determining the extent of permanent brain damage/brain injury? It was on auto-loop from docs, therapists, social workers, etc. that this is a marathon, not a sprint, and this is your New Normal, your new life. Life as you knew it is over, this is what you got. Good luck!

The way life has changed for everyone with COVID-19 and how you’re feeling now? New Normal. It’s a window to what our last 3 years have been like.
Everything you know has come to a screeching halt.

You don’t want to believe any of it, because it’s so incredulous that it’s beyond normal comprehension.
Some things, you can’t do anymore. Some things, you can do but with a whole different effort and plan. Nothing is fast. You wait. A LOT.
You’re isolated. You’ve lost contact with the “outside” world.
You’re washing your hands non-stop, wearing gloves, wiping surfaces in hopes to prevent an infection that’ll send you spiraling backwards.
The what-ifs are crippling and the unknown is absolutely terrifying. Headaches from not even realizing you’re clenching your jaws are a thing. Fight-or-flight mode is DEFINITELY a thing because you don’t know from minute to minute which one you’re going to have to do to survive, not to mention the constant focus on health/financial recovery.
You have to rely on others to do what’s right so it doesn’t knock you back to the beginning.
People that don’t know you are telling you what to do and how to do it, and no matter what you do? You’re wrong. And did I mention pissed off? You stay pissed.
Everyone has an opinion about what has happened, but only few take into consideration what stating them sounds like to the recipient.

You’re tired and frustrated, scared, pissed-off, depressed, outraged, furious, defeated, etc. because why you? What did you do wrong?

You didn’t ask for this, but yet here you are- life as you knew it is over, and now you have this “New Normal” that is complete and utter unfair HORSESHIT and
you don’t really give a flying f@ck to do ANY OF IT.

But....    You do.      You adapt.
Oh you’ll fight it for awhile. Believe that.

You’ll mourn consistently for a long while, then it’ll slack off to occasionally.

You’ll eventually appreciate what you can do.

You’ll never forget your Old Normal, but after awhile? You’ll stop comparing and complaining.

You’ll realize one day that the slowing down isn’t so bad, and that some things you felt like you lost were actually a gain in perspective.
You’ll find you’ll still be able to do a lot of what you used to, but in a different way. But- you still get to do it. Eye on the prize.
So yeah. Welcome to the New Normal. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, to resume some type of regular life again. Until then? Be kind to yourself and others because IT TOTALLY SUCKS.
At least this experience affects everyone in some way/shape/form/fashion and you don’t have to watch a world of normalcy continue on without you. Strength in numbers, conquer with compassion.
You’ll adapt.
And you’ll be okay.💗

I left this message in response....
YOUR ..... 'perspective' is in perfect focus !!!

I would imagine, that some folks who have never adapted well to....
GOING WITH THE FLOW, have been like...
'Fish out of water'. Over my decades of living, I have
learned going WITH the flow makes life much easier.

Every time that some BS comes to mind over the past few
weeks.... I keep calling my monkey mind back to a very
important point....
"I have 'met' some interesting NEW friends along the way"

Zelda Christine Wilkes-White  are one of them. <3 span="">
You are a ~breath of fresh air~.
I have also 'met' several ladies around the world from
a watercolor FB page.
AND.......... an amazing photographer who is in
NORTHERN Italy. :)

AND.... my FAV new page....
The World Needs More Love Letters. 

I've sent out letters of LOVE  to strangers.

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