This lady was Summit county in Ohio's second Covid-19 case.
In her words .....
I became sick quickly Wednesday afternoon. I felt run down and feverish. By the time I got home I had a fever of 99.2. I was uncomfortable, headache, and a cough that was heavy but not producing anything. I fell asleep and woke at 3 am. My heart was racing. I had trouble catching my breath and my chest felt tight every time I coughed. I contacted a great nurse I know...she said go in, but call first. I called the ER, told them my symptoms and the had me call a closed Ohio dept of health number. I was clearly in distress so my nurse called them back and said I was coming in. It's a good thing I did. My BP was very low and my heart rate was very high. These are not good signs on top of fever and cough. They admitted me and I was tested for every single other thing and then they ran the covid test.
I am the face of this infection. It is brutal and I'm a healthy 48 year old with no underlying conditions. I'm not 100% better but I'm home resting. Please take this seriously. People you love, their lives may depend on it.
I'm happy to answer any questions in between naps and hydration.
My ex was in Germany the week before I became ill. He has no symptoms. My children have no symptoms. Per the Summit County Health Department we are all being monitored. My test was POSITIVE. I was in patient at Ahuja from early Thursday till today. Fluids and pain meds and fever meds were all they could give me. My highest fever was 102.
My son did not go to school from the moment I became ill. Prior to my becoming ill...I was at work and he was at school...because we were not ill and had no reason to suspect we were exposed in any way.
We do NOT know where the exposure came from.
Amy Brock - March 14, 2020
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