Friday, May 24, 2024

Just In Case ILY Mom

This popped up in my Facebook memories today. 

May 24, 2011
We had a tornado warning last night around 7:30 PM. Kevin was at his school for an 8th grade dance from 7-9. 
We had no actual damage around us. 
 My text messages with Kev last night ... 
Me - 'We are in a tornado warning' ... 
Kev-"They know we,re in groups" 
Kev- "Just in case ily mom" 
Me - "Love you too, the school is a safe old building".

 In comments I said...
It's been a heck of a Spring weather wise. Ever since the Spring of 1974 when a huge tornado hit Xenia Ohio and family of ours were caught in that I have been extra tuned -IN- to weather. My aunts and uncles were safe in Xenia, one lived in a rental and that house was destroyed. Back in those days there was no level of communication like today. !!!! Last night I had put our cat in the kennel and put the dogs leash on her. I kept saying to the hubby... WE need to go to the basement. He was looking out the freaking window... DUH !!!!! Eventually he joined the furry family and me in the basement. Jeanne... I was TRYING to remain calm... INSIDE I wanted to drive right up to that school and grab my kid. 

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