Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My Teachers

Twenty five years ago last month, my first child Nicole arrived.
Two years and six months after Nicole, my second child, Vincent 
Twelve years and five months after Nicole, my son 
Kevin was born. (7-27-1996)
At the age of 38, and by choice, I was a Mommy again.

In those early years of parenting, I had no clue as to 
what I know now.
For as much as I think I have been and am a teacher to them,

I have come to know that they indeed  arrived to TEACH ME !

For this I have Kevin to thank.   He has opened my eyes and
enlightened me in ways I was never able to see or even 
comprehend 25 years ago.

So, to you young parents, observe the lessons of your little ones,
and know they are your teachers.

Remember also to mirror back to them the character that 
you would choose for them.

Your actions, repeated over time, will have a great influence.

Enjoy the moments and  ~ learn ~ ……..  
time moves so quickly forward. !


The new parent said...

Hi Deb--
It truly is a give-and-take when it comes to learning with children.
So much for them to learn and so much for us adults to continue learning.
Unfortunately, we can be sooo resistant to new ideas.
And, boy, does the time ever fly! I look at my little girl who will be
going to preschool soon and I'm amazed at how she's growing so fast.

Debra Estep said...

Thanks for dropping by...
Oh once they start school is when
the speed up really happens.!!
Not that I have a ton of readers, but I invite mine to drop by Frank's blog, The new parent.
IF you happen to be on 'old' parent like me, Frank loves the input. :))

The New Parent said...

Thank you, Deb. That's very sweet of you.
Once my daughter started talking and walking life sped up!
Now, it just seems like it's speeding along.