Saturday, May 26, 2007


Okay...... I see them -

~ Number Prompts ~

Do you see them too ?

I interpret them as stay awake nudges
from my angels.

11:11 is my most frequent prompt,
but I also see 4:44 too.   It's not as often as 11:11


Link to   11:11  Candle Site


The New Parent said...

Hi Deb--lovely pic of a lit candle. Angels? I had an experience once in Mexico on the ocean. I was drowning, and two "people" came and pushed me to shore. As I gotr to shore and turned around to thank them there was no one there. The beach was empty.
Now it would have been starnge if I experienced this alone, but my wife was there trying to help pull me ashore. She said if not for that man and woman, I wouldn't be here. As she stood up with me to thank them, she couldn't see or find anyone either.

dave said...

As you know Deb, my numbers are 10:19 and 51. I also see 511 or 5:11 or 5:51 quite a bit. I saw 51 and a few variations at least 12 times in one day last week. I know there must be a reason but feel it's better off not getting too wrapped up in trying to figure it out.

Debra Estep said...

WOW... Frank what a story. !!
I've read where people speak of angels
at a time of dire need.
How quickly did it come to you that
you had an angel encounter ?
THANKS for sharing. !!!
I understand about 'not getting
too wrapped up' in the wonder of it,
but maybe when you see the prompts you
might just stop and be thankful for
the good in your life. :)
Just a way to acknowledge that you are
aware of those .... "winks" ;)
Drop by the candle site and light
a candle... IF you are so moved.
They only stay lit for 48 hours.
I appreciate the thoughts guys... THANKS !