Over time the life moments that we build with that person become
committed to both of our memories. If we are apart from them for
a time, when we see them again, we can go back and visit the past.
Through our shared conversations we recall our lives together.
Thoughts of summer days, past holidays, vacation travel,
or even mundane everyday activities are exchanged. That person
has their memories and you share the same memory,
even though your memory of the time spent together might differ slightly.
When families or friends gather together, not only do we share
what is going on now, we share future plans and happily re-visit past times.
In the death of someone you love there is no more hearing
them speak. Gone is the ability to reminisce and travel in thought
together. A part of you dies. It’s like a piece of your heart has been
chipped off and actually withers away.
For a time, a part of you just wants to be done with this living and
join them. Your passed over loved one or friend is in spirit standing
behind you ready to kick your ass and say LIVE !!!
IF you could hear them speak these would be their words to you …..
“Not only do you hold MY memories,
you also hold ~ MY SPIRIT ~ in your heart.
Get out in this world and honor me and LIVE in my name."
Today, May 24, 2007
I am not just sitting here at my computertrying to conjure up some sappy, blog post.
I am explaining my life to you. !
My very dear friend Cindy died in July of 2001.
Although I had faced the death of loved ones prior to Cindy’s passing,
it was Cindy’s death that prompted me to live my life with HER
in my heart and to LIVE my life in her name.
In this way, the love never really dies, it’s only changed and
in a different form.
Death has touched me deeply in the past several years…..
My father in law – Mario, Aunt Edna, Aunt Mary, Great Gram Smith,
Mr &; Mrs O, Larry, Military kids, Lance, Danny, Michael, Dustin,
Luke and many more military. My neighbor Bill ; his dtr Becky,
Mr. Ferritto, Cousin Carmie, an online friend Suzie and Greta,
Amber's Mom Jane.
Amber's Mom Jane.
They are all in my heart and one day when
I cross over I will be engulfed and showered in their
love as they welcome me *home*.
I know you have your own dear and loved ones now crossed over.
~ Live ~ and let their light shine with yours.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
*Dedicated to my friend Antoinette*
Her dear Hubby Larry passed November 10, 2006
Antoinette and I spent the day together yesterday.
It was the time shared with 'Ann' yesterday that brought
this post to life today.
I LOVE you Antoinette.
Photo From All Saint's Cemetery. Northfield OHIO 5/23/07
Angel watching over the babies

I sent Antoinette a copy of today's post.
Her work email would not allow her to
get to the site. :)
This is her response to me.
(I think she might blush, in knowing
I have shared this... but you need to read
this to KNOW the person that she is.)
I have been blessed with her friendship
since I was in 11th grade and she in 10th.
She is also my son Vinny's Godmother.
That was over 30 years ago. !!!
Thank you Deb -
That is so beautiful. I am going to share this with everyone.
I have to tell you this.
When I got in to work today at 7:25am, there was a beautiful flowering plant on my desk with a card that simple read:
"Thank you for being so nice."
Well, I knew it was from someone here at TFS because the florist shop it came from is right across the street from the bank. As I would show people my mystery flowers, they would sheepishly look at me. At 9:15 am this morning, 31 people surrounded my desk and presented me with a gift bag. It contained a card saying "to one of our favorite people", a Sunoco gift card for $50 and a $60.00 gift certificate to Casa D'Angelo. The flowers are from this group too. They consist of my own 6 ladies, all of our Collections Department, half of the checking department and several people from Loan Services.
All the folks here are wonderful. On the Friday afternoon before Mother's Day, I had gone to the Giant Eagle and bought Pierre ice cream novelties for everyone. Every woman and man on our floor got one. I told them even if you are not a Mother, you came from a mother, so therefore your included on the ice cream. I guess this was their way of saying thank you. What a sweet surprise.
Now I have your dedication too. I am so truly blessed to have good friends in my life. I love you too.
Hi Deb, glad to see you weren't just sitting down here conjuring up a sappy post!
Antoinette's fellow worker's gesture is real touching and no doubt so deserved.
This is a good message and I am trying to figure out who and what was their particular light that I should pay attention to shining in my life. I think it would have to be the collected goodness and common sense that always seem to come from our mother's siblings.
I was aiming to say...direct your thoughts to
a person in your life who has passed.
In a way their light has gone out, but
you can pick up their torch and let their light shine by the good that you do... in their
They can't be brought back, but this helps
in a small way to fill the void of their
physically not being here. They ARE here
in ~spirit~ as you allow their light to glow.
Thank you Deb for sending this to me and reminding me of your Blog postings. I absolutely LOVED your comment... "IF you could hear them speak these would be their words to you …..
“Not only do you hold MY memories,
you also hold ~ MY SPIRIT ~ in your heart.
Get out in this world
and honor me and LIVE in my name."
Also, the picture from All Saints Cemetary, is very similar to the one my son Benjamin is at, in Winfield, IL. This is a beautiful picture..thank you for sharing it here.
God bless you Deb..you and your family.
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