Friday, April 18, 2008

A Message Today ~ From Nature

Today as I walked out to watch Kevin get on the bus,
I glanced down at my flowerbed.   With our location in
Northern Ohio Spring arrives later than most places.

My hyacinths just popped through the soil not all that long ago.
They have yet to open in full bloom, but this is a picture of one
of them that I snapped this morning.....

As the hyacinth popped up and grew, it uplifted that which
was around it.    It almost looks like it's holding the leaves.

It was just a beautiful lesson that I wanted to share.


Check out this link to see some in full bloom.   
I think I'll post another picture after this little one
opens up and blooms. 

Saturday, April 5, 2008

"Bless Everyone You Meet"


Yesterday I was listening to an audio book by Gary Zukov,

Soul Stories.

Gary was talking about a presentation he had heard.
The person giving the talk was a Hawaiian Kahuna.

The Kahuna was saying that you should 'bless everyone you meet'.
'You can not bless and judge a person at the same time'.

The Kahuna went on to say.....  IF you think you can't find
at least one thing nice to think about a person..... send them
a blessing saying  ........

"Thank you for this person, they are feeding

the plants when they exhale"

"Bless Everyone You Meet"

 Photo taken May 23, 2007 - Tinker's Creek Park Bedford Ohio

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thursdays Tag

Deb over at Gitten it Out of My Head... has

TAGGED ME....   

I'm breaking the rules and not tagging
anyone else...   hee hee.... but here's
my response......

Four Films I'd Watch Again:

  • The Wizard of Oz - (my all time fav movie)

  • The Polar Express

  • Indigo

  • A Christmas Carol -(with George C. Scott)

Four Places I've Lived:

  • Cleveland, OH

  • Bedford, OH

  • Maple Heights, OH

  • Reminderville, OH

Four TV Shows I Watch:

  • The Weather Channel

  • HGTV

  • NASCAR Racing - ('Boogity, Boogity, Boogity' Darrell Waltrip )

  • That's Life - Local AM TV

Four Things To Eat:

  • Seafood

  • Seafood

  • Did I mention seafood  ;)

  • DanDee Cheese Twists

Four Places I'd Rather Be:

  • By the ocean

  • A cabin in the woods

  • Visiting an art museum

  • Any park

Hey play along in the comments...........