Saturday, April 5, 2008

"Bless Everyone You Meet"


Yesterday I was listening to an audio book by Gary Zukov,

Soul Stories.

Gary was talking about a presentation he had heard.
The person giving the talk was a Hawaiian Kahuna.

The Kahuna was saying that you should 'bless everyone you meet'.
'You can not bless and judge a person at the same time'.

The Kahuna went on to say.....  IF you think you can't find
at least one thing nice to think about a person..... send them
a blessing saying  ........

"Thank you for this person, they are feeding

the plants when they exhale"

"Bless Everyone You Meet"

 Photo taken May 23, 2007 - Tinker's Creek Park Bedford Ohio


Debbie said...

Oh my...saw the name Gary Zukav and it rang a bell. I got up, walked over to my bookcase and there it was. Soul Stories. Large print edition. LOL. I have not read it and it must have been there uh....7 or 8 years? Copyright 2000. Guess it is time and we are meant to share it NOW.

Patricia - Spiritual Journey Of A Lightworker said...

I had my copy of the book for a few years also because a friend of mine read it and didn't like it so I just let it sit on my self for awhile.
When I finally decided to read Soul Stories, I couldn't believe that my friend who loves Gary Zukav didn't like this book. Along with all of his material that I have read, I loved the book. I came to the conclusion that my friend saw something that she didn't want to acknowledge in the book.

Deb Estep said...

Hey Debbie and Patrica....
It's ALL about SOUL huh wink wink
Thanks my soul sista's for dropping in.