Sunday, October 7, 2007

MIA - Deb

Dear Friends,

I've been MIA - Missing in Action due to some minor
personal medical issues that now have resolved.
Not to get overly personal, I'll just say that some
upper gastro issues have cleared up.   THANK GOD.  :)

My parents are also going through some of their
own medical issues and being the child closest 
in proximity to them I've been on the go helping out.

My Mom is 75 and is now in a rehab hospital to get
back on her feet following a series of infections.
My Dad is 77 and he has been in a successful
battle with bladder cancer. 

Your prayers would be MOST welcome.

My AF daughter in law has now returned from Iraq,
and my son is due home within the week from
a year tour in Korea.   When I say 'home', I mean
stateside to his base in Texas. 



Deb Call said...

Deb - so good to have you back. My heart and prayers go out to you - you have a lot on your plate. So glad to hear your son is coming home!
As I write this, I'm back in Ohio helping my parents set up resources (my mother has an inoperable, malignant brain tumor slowly eroding her memory).
Stay well.

Debra Estep said...

Ohhhhhhh Deb, so very sorry to hear
your Mother's illness. Being out of
town is very difficult for you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you...
Keep in touch with me how she's doing.
Email me. :)

The New Parent said...

Hi Deb--was wondering where you went. Happy to hear you are better, but saddened to hear about your parents.
Prayers to them both (smile).

Debra Estep said...

HEY Frank
Thanks for dropping by. They are coming along.
With Mom's hospital stay, it's going to
take awhile for her to get her strength back.
Mom is not sitting on her laurels though,
she's up and about her house doing what
she can. I don't mean housework.. lol
but walking inside and considering getting
on her stationary bike. :)
xo xo