Last week I had to place a call to a medical insurance
claim office. This was the medical carrier that we had for
last years health insurance and was calling about a claim
for Kevin's knee injury of last year.
Ohhhhhhh how I really dreaded this call. !!!
More often than not, the customer service person is not
all that pleasant just hurrying you along for the next call.
When you dial in, naturally it's an automated computer
until you put in enough information and then hopefully
you get to a human being.
So I had entered some info, and was looking around in a
daze when I thought I heard another automated voice.
The voice sounded so sweet and nice I thought I still had
the machine.....
Then I heard a .....'Hello, are you there, how can I help you' ?
From the VERY moment that Vanessa came on the line,
she was amazing. After taking care of what I needed to,
I thanked her profusely for her great style and manner on the phone.
We chatted for a second and here she was located in the major city
not all that far from me. Sometimes, a person can be quite far
After hanging up, I decided almost immediately to phone back
and ask for her supervisor to relay what a pleasant experience my
call in had been. I got a gal on the line and explained that I wanted
to talk to a supervisor of the call center. She hesitated for a second,
and I said.........'Ohhhhhh this is a GOOD call'. And then I said to her
you know what, how about you give me the mailing information instead
and I will write the supervisor a letter. I just felt a letter would be more
appropriate to express my thanks on the superior customer service.
I composed a letter right away, and went to print it out on white paper.
For Christmas, my daughter Kerri had given me some beautiful and colorful
stationary. I grabbed that and thought...... What the heck, it's not so
professional looking, but it SURE IS FUN. !!!
I mailed the letter out that afternoon.
The very next day I had a call from Vanessa. She was floored that I
took the time to write a letter on her behalf. She said that morning,
her supervisor approached her desk and said.....
"I have something to share with you"..........
Vanessa said at first she thought to herself......
"Ohhhhhh no, what could this be".
The supervisor handed her the original letter, and then said,
"That is yours to keep, I've made a copy of it for your files."
Vanessa said to me.... "Mrs Estep, you have no idea how you
have MADE MY DAY....... no, make that my whole week, or make
that for a long time to come. Anytime I am feeling down, I am going
to pull out this beautiful letter and remember your kindness."
Awwwwwwww I was in tears. !!!! The picture above is a piece of that
FUN paper that I scanned in and made smaller. I just added the word
smile in there so it would not look blank. LOL
Just picture that paper full size 81/2 x 11 and turned the other way,
and you get the idea.
It's amazing how easy it is to uplift another human being. All it takes
is just a little time, and effort. But honestly, the goodness came right back
to me when Vanessa took the time to personally call me and thank me
for writing the letter that I did.