Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stop Shooting Arrows - Words

 My friend, Patricia Singleton over at   Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker
wrote a wonderful piece last week......... 

Kindness.... Why Is It Easier to Be
to Strangers ?

Patricia's has written this is such a way where you are stopped
right in your tracks and it gets you thinking.     Everyone can answer
this in their own way.    It's personal.   

If you are not familiar with Patricia's blog, she always shares
every bit of her authentic self .... the good and not so good.
The lessons learned from reading her writing is always powerful. 

Link to Patricia's Post

The words we speak can be like arrows.   

Here is a visual reminder.........


I have explored the kindness aspect in a previous post
titled ..... Tone.  


Patricia - Spiritual Journey Of A Lightworker said...

Deb, thank you so much for your words of praise about my article and my authenticity. Some articles I know are really good and they just flow easily. Others, like this one, I am not sure that what I said was what I meant. I struggle to find the words to suit the idea. With this article, the comments tell me that I got my message down on paper in the way that I intended. The comments just take my idea to a deeper level when others share their ideas. Your blog always inspires me to be a better person. I have missed your writing.

Debra Estep said...

HI Patricia,
Ya know, I use visual reminders all the time.
As a suggestion, copy the bow and arrow picture and tack it on your frig. You don't need the words, the graphic alone will be a reminder enough
to choose your words carefully. :)))