Most times we don't even realize this is going on. !!!
Many moons ago I came upona quick and easy relaxation tecnique. I even taught my young children this and together we 'went to level'.
Hold the thought that your body is an elevator. Your stress has you on an upper floor.
As soon as you recognize the stress take a breath and start thinking of bringing your elevator to a lower level.
Repeat the following to yourself...
#3 #3 #3
#2 #2 #2
#1 #1 #1
Deeper healthy level
Now take the elevator lower....
Breathe again.
Slowly count down from 10 - 1
feeling your body relax as you
~Go to level~
Do you feel it ? :)))))
Your shoulders are UN-glued.
I've created a graphic that
you can save and print out
as a reminder for yourself.
My children were elementary
school age when we first started
doing this.... Over time and with
repetition.... I could just say...
'Go to level' and instantly they
calmed their bodies AND minds.

I just came across a tiny card of this
that I had taped to the dash of my car.
Something I need for my OWN shoulders
and no doubt my now adult children's.
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