A few weeks ago I was web surfing info for Nicole, (my daughter).
I came upon a book by Mira Kirshenbaum: Too Good to leave,
Too Bad to Stay. I ordered the book which was supposed to help
one make the decision about staying or leaving a relationship.
At the same time, I reserved 2 library books by Kirshenbaum,
as they looked pretty interesting.
The too good book arrived in the mail a couple of days ago,
AFTER Nicole had made the choice and ended her 3 year relationship.
After flipping through the book, both Nic and I agreed
that the book was still very worthwhile as it contained some good
info on relationships and communication within them. :)
I went to the library last night and picked up the 2 books that
I had reserved.
The one is Everything Happens for a Reason - finding the true
meaning of events in our lives.
It's not as IF this title was some revelation for me. LOL
I've believed it and it's been a part of my life for a VERY long time.
Yet, I am certain that the book contains some useful information
for me and it will be good to read.
This morning in looking at the back cover I spotted a web address
for Mira Kirshenbaum:
Upon going to the site - I surfed over to another site called:
Soul Graffiti
Sometime within the past 2 years upon sharing the drawing
I did of an Angel and Soldier with my dog's allergy vet
she said to me .............
"Ohhhhhhhh you're an artist".
When I heard Dr Alice say that, I thought to myself....
'Monet, Van Gogh, and Renoir were artists" --- "I only paint".
This thought happened at nearly the speed of light....
but my outward response was..........
"Well, I guess you could say that".
That conversation STUCK and STUCK in my head.
Until finally I came to KNOW and UNDERSTAND......
"YES" !!!!!!!!!!!! "I am an artist" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've thought about and tried to explain my reluctance
at calling myself an 'artist', I suppose it has much to do
with my previously underdeveloped self esteem.
Today, I am quite comfortable in calling myself...
"An artist". I know my ability to paint and draw and be
creative is a God given talent.
So........... here today I jump to the Soul Graffiti web site,
to see a description of Soul Graffiti.
Soul Graffiti (sol graf - fi – ti) V. the conscious act of
performing kindness to another soul, resulting in leaving
an everlasting imprint on another's life.
I read that definition and BAMMMMMM it hit me:"I am also a Soul Graffiti Artist" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whooooooooooo who. I am on a cloud at this realization / revelation . :))))))))
Dr Joe Powers has this on his web site:
As Maya Angelou once wrote, "when we cast our bread upon the waters we can presume that someone downstream whose face we will never know will benefit from our action, as we who are downstream from another will profit from the grantor's gift." It is likewise my hope that through Soul Graffiti™ we can together lift our spiritual brushes to paint upon the lives of others with acts of kindness and compassion - ultimately bringing true permanence to our own lives and a beautiful mural upon the soul of humankind.
Joe Powers
Founder and Graffiti Artist
So.......... please do surf over to the site:
Soul Graffiti
i LOVE the idea of soul graffiti! thanks so much for introducing me to it! i'll definitely have to follow up on it.
do you ever participate in the carnival of healing? that would be such a perfect spot for you ...
Hi Isabella,
THANKS for dropping by and leaving a comment. :)))
Carnival of healing.... Hmmm I'll have to check out your site to see what that is about. I have not heard of it.
xo xo
I found this right away doing a web search...
Healing Carnival #124 - 2-9-2008
AND..... I see that you Isabella have an article in the carnival as does my friend Patricia Singleton !!!
Thanks for the mention of the carnival.
I am so thrilled to share this newsletter that I received today in my email. 2-24-08
Soul Graffiti is ... BACK !!!!!!!!
Dear Friend,
Since our last newsletter, nearly two years ago, much has been changing at Soul Graffiti. For starters, we moved. And then we moved again. And again. Moving has taught us an important lesson of life - change is inevitable - and we have tried to embrace this lesson with each new step in our evolution.
In speaking of change, after many months of work, Soul Graffiti is excited to unveil our revamped website. The new www.soulgraffiti.com continues to share your many stories, interviews, and articles, and now offers of host of new tools to help spread a message of conscious kindness.
The most significant change at Soul Graffiti is our new operating structure. We have morphed away from a business and now towards an entirely non-profit "kindness portal". Through SoulGraffiti.com and future workshops and events, we hope to spread a Universal message of kindness and compassion to all.
We welcome you to share with us your inspirational stories, ideas, and experiences, and we look forward to working together to spread a message of conscious kindness to the world.
Joe Powers
Oct 26, 2008 - Soul Graffiti Newsletter
As I look out my window and watch the trees shed their leaves and the reds and oranges of Autumn replace the greens of summer, I can't help but think that this year’s change is somewhat different. It seems like these days you can't go anywhere without hearing the word "change" -politics, economy, healthcare - this year, unlike any I've experienced before, impending change is everywhere.
While change can be uncomfortable for many, in the US, people seem to be ready for change and I believe that this readiness has brought with it an introspective quality that has allowed people to question their beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions and go deeper into understanding who we are and what we stand for. This introspection will hopefully also lead to greater consciousness and awareness of our actions, and this is precisely what Soul Graffiti is about.
Soul Graffiti involves conscious acts of kindness, and with each one of these acts, we truly bring change to ourselves, others, and the world around us. As the holiday season approaches, use this time to reflect on the acts of kindness that you have experienced or observed, and use them to fuel a further commitment to conscious change in the year to come.
For a wonderful story about an act of soul graffiti through change, read about Soul Graffiti Member, James Wellingson’s grandfather at:
Share your stories at SoulGraffiti.com and help to bring conscious kindness to the world!
Joe Powers
Be sure to sign up for Joe's newsletter:
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