Mental Tapes and the Law of Attraction
It's really a shame that so many interesting topics
are on the minds of only a fringe few in our society.
It would be a great service if more could consider some
topics that when explained they only laugh at or dismiss.
What I am writing about today is the Law of Attraction.
I've attempted to see WHO was the first to suggest there
even exists such a 'law', but I could not come up with
an answer. If you do know by all means please post
a comment on that back to me.
A very simple explanation would be this.....
When we think on something or thoughts run through
our heads, those thoughts are sent out as energy waves
into the universe. We then attract back to ourselves that
which has been in our thoughts.
A good way to attract what
you want is to use affirmations clearly expressing
your desires.
One example would be the thought, "I am open
to receiving all good".
Thoughts are great, but visual reminders are even
better. Write down this affirmation and post it
in several places.
Now what about MENTAL TAPES.
The mental sound bytes that you hear over
and over in your mind become mental tapes.
When the tapes run, most times they are so quiet
in the background of our
minds we don't even consciously hear them.
Yet they run and they send messages out
to the universe bringing back just what
was played out.
Some have tapes that are encouraging and
positive, many have tapes that are
damaging and destructive.
positive, many have tapes that are
damaging and destructive.
You want examples of tapes. Hmmmm
Let's cover positive first:
You can do anything if you put your mind to it.You are a smart girl/boy.
Now negative:
I am fat
I am shy and quiet
You are bad
When you bring awareness to what is playing
in the background of your mind, then you can
change the tape.
I would also like to direct your attention to
a fellow I’ve just recently met from the online world.
I say met, but I mean we have exchanged emails.
His name is Phil Gerbyshak and his web site
Phil and his insightful words epitomizes
the Law of Attraction.
He also has a book called, 10 way to
MAKE IT GREAT. I’m waiting on a copy to
arrive and will certainly be posting again
after I’ve read his book.
Sometime last year I hung a dry erase board
in my living room. It measures 23” x 35”.
Quite a good sized board.
The purpose is to write things which I want
to keep in my mind and also have my family
relate to.
Not a to do list or a calendar, but an area
where I can post words of inspiration or even
fun and encouragement to my family.
We also listed 3rd grade spelling words on
there last year. I’m certain that some of the
area will be taken up with 4th grade spelling
words this year.
A couple of days ago I wrote:
MAKE IT GREAT ! (Phil Gerbyshak)
Kevin was sitting at the dining room table
last night and having a snack. I pointed to
the words and said “See that” ?
He said……… “Yeaaaaaaaaah”
That is a message I want you to keep in mind
for the first day of school tomorrow.
He laughed and grinned one of those….
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh MOM” kind of laughs.
BUT………… he got the message.
I’m very hopeful that Kevin’s mental tapes
will be positive ones through his whole life.
Thank you Phil for your ~ GREAT ~ inspiration.
Please do Google Law of Attraction for
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