Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Thoughts - September 2001


On Monday I looked into the face of a person not known,
seeing only a stranger.

Yesterday, that person became my brother and my sister.
United through this unthinkable attack on our HOME land.

As I went about my day yesterday, from place to place I overheard
conversation all centered on the past days events.

People speaking to one another as neighbors
over a back yard fence.

When we hear : "things will never be the
same again in the United States,"

Let us try to think of that in a positive way.
With much patience and love, embrace a stranger
as we would family. 

and we, the descendants of those seeking a better life

September 13, 2001


We Are Not Alone

Thousands of people are gone in a matter of minutes.
No Earthly good-byes.
Those who remain are left with memories of times past and
dreams of an envisioned future life.

Like a replay over and over the pictures of that day flash
in my mind.

The men, women and children on the planes whose last moments
we will never really know, were not alone.

The innocent and unsuspecting in the buildings and on the ground,
were not alone.

We witnessed people falling, they were not alone.
The ones who knew and were trying to escape, were not alone.

And finally to those who's lives work it was to rescue, defend and help
a nameless fellow human being, those heroes were not alone.

God and his heavenly angels surrounded them. Although they
could not stop death, the angels welcomed them to a new place.

As the souls passed over they turned to one another as if in a chain
to embrace, and on it went, thousands hovering together.

Many broke away to be near frightened and grieving loved ones.
Many stayed and are still there.

When we stop to wonder how the rescue and recovery people
have spent hour upon hour, shedding sweat, blood and enduring
pain to go on, know that they are not alone.

BUT let me add in the true spirit of New Yorkers,
the angels taking care of these laboring folks are not there
with soft pats on the back,
more like a swift KICK IN THE ASS.

Some angels will remain for a very very long time
as sentinels of God.

In the days and years to come, many people will visit these
Earthly places  New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.
Some will come not knowing why, only seeking to be near.

Those who come will find comfort and support, as God
and his angels surround them, and they will not be alone.

And as I, the writer, sit from my home in Ohioto you the reader, where ever you may be, we are united.

We are not alone.
Debra Estep
September 21, 2001



Debra Estep - painted September 5, 2002   (Watercolor - 15x11)

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