Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Garden Of Life


'To know someone here or there with
whom you can feel there is understanding
in spite of distances or thoughts expressed,
that can make life a garden.'

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

'Just remember, every now and then an ass
might wander into your garden.
That's ok too..... just take it in stride'

(Deb Estep)


Patricia - Spiritual Journey Of A Lightworker said...

Deb, thanks for the laugh. Sometimes, I am that ass that comes into my garden with my bad attitude and negative thoughts. Sometimes, I am a child full of joy and giggles and gratitude that comes into my garden. Most of the time, I am that garden, growing and maturing and giving out fruits of my labor to family and friends. Thanks for helping me start my day with these thoughts and Light. Have a glorious Sunday.

Deb Estep said...

HI Patricia,
What an interesting thought that we can be our OWN ASS. What a brilliant observation. But the other parts of you, the best parts shine out far greater than your ass side. LOL LOL
I CAN ONLY say such a thing to a cared for and trusted friend. WHO KNOWS my goofy sense of humor.

David said...

Hi. Charles is a cool guy and he did provide the means for me getting here. And I enjoyed the visit. Thanks for stopping by and I will talk to you again sometime soon.