Friday, February 22, 2008

A Man Dying Shares HOW TO LIVE ~ AMAZING

This morning, my dear friend Carey sent me a link to this video....

In her words.......

"Very humbling"

I say - absolutely AMAZING. !!!!!!!!!!!

From the Carnegie Mellon Web site, I snagged the following description:

"Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch, who is dying from pancreatic cancer,
gave his last lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007, before a packed McConomy
Auditorium. In his moving talk, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," Pausch
talked about his lessons learned and gave advice to students on how to achieve
their own career and personal goals."

This is a comment a viewer left on the YouTube site after viewing Randy....

I could not have said it better, that is way I am quoting this viewer....

Have you ever met someone who's eyes sparkled? When they smiled their entire
faces lit up and a twinkle appears in their eyes. I have always believed people
like that are Angels. Beings that walk amongst us, blending in and living life
among us. Randy is an Angel. He is that special being that walks among us. And I
truly believe this, when he is gone, there will be a twinkle in his kids eyes
that his wife will see and this will be her realization that he is still with

The link below will take you to an 11 minute video.  On my site here, I
have popped in the longer 70 some minute version.    I know that not everyone
has 70 minutes to sit and watch, but PLEASE consider bookmarking this
and come back to the long version later on.

Link to Video of Randy reprising his 'Last Lecture' on the Oprah show.

Randy's September 2007 - Last Lecture - Longer Version.


This link will take you to a PDF  transcript of the lecture.

Randy Pausch's Web Site

Absolutely AMAZING. !!!!!!!!!!!


Debbie Angel said...

Unless you are giving birth or at the bedside of a dying relative...nothing you have to do is more important than watching this video!
I am so touched, my heart feels too big for my chest and my goosebumps have goosebumps. I had a smile on my face the entire video and I can't seem to move from my chair.
You've done it again, Deb. How do you know what I need to see when I need to see it, when I don't even know?
Love you,

Debbie Angel said...

Hey girl,
I guess you got my speedy IM letting you know Randy was on ABC with Diane Sawyer :) I'm going to buy his book as I'm sure you are too. I've been checking his website regarding his health, since I first watched the video when you posted it. I still want David to watch it and then maybe read the book.
He is one amazing man and I would only hope to achieve half of his strength. Watching his wife, brought me to tears. Thank God his children will be able to know about him, even though they won't all remember him.
Thanks again for sharing this video! Such an inspiration to us all :)