Sunday, February 27, 2005

Aroma --- Therapy --- Personal

"Aromatherapy" is a term coined by French chemist René Maurice
in the 1920's to describe the practice of using essential oils taken
from plants,
flowers, roots, seeds, etc., in healing.

Lord knows what marketing genius we have to thank for introducing the
into mainstream advertising.

I was once lured into buying a bottle of Palmolive® Aromatherapydishwashing soap.  It said, “Anti-Stress – soothing and relaxing aroma with essences of Lavender and Ylang Ylang”.
I never did purchase a second bottle of dishwashing soap.Actually I’d gotten somewhat of a handle on life stress thanks to a long ago read book, “The Miracle of Mindfulness” by Thich Nhat Hanh. (I’ll save that for another day, my AF friends will know that one becauseit’s something I have posted more than once)
Just saying the word ‘aroma’ and my brain is off to recall someof my favorite scents.     I’ll tell you some mine, and then you think of your personal favorites….
Grandpa’s wood shop.

Books and magazines – old and new

The fresh cut bottom off of a Christmas tree

CLEAN babies

Fall leaves

Baking my Grandma Rothacker’s Cut Out Cookies(email me for the recipe, they are the BEST)

Tinker’s Creek – local park in Bedford Ohio

To quote Helen Keller ( 1880-1968 )“Smell is a potent wizard which transports us across time and all the years we have lived.”


Dave said...

Deb - that is the exact brand and aroma of dishwashing soap that we use.
Just reread an article today on the smell of old books, written by Ellen Rohr (before I read your post)
Tinkers Creek rolls about one hundred yards from our office - I can smell it if the wind is right.
I'll pass on the little whipper snappers, but how about the smell of a freshly opened pack of baseball cards - with the stick of bubblegum of course.

Robbin said...

Nothing like the smell of the green in the early morning golf game.