Monday, February 21, 2005

Inside is Where It's At

When trying to decide on a name for my blog,
Deb_Inside came to me rather quickly.

Inside IS where it's AT.

We view the world from inside ourselves looking out.
Your view of the world is different than my view.
When you look out, you see your own nose.
(Don't keep looking at your nose, you'll get dizzy)

It's all filtered through the parts of you that are you.

Many years ago I was working at a company doing
electronic assembly.  There were about 5 women
and myself who worked in an area that was close
enough for us to talk back and forth among ourselves.
We would listen to radio talk shows and on some days
discussions would start.  Everyone of us heard the same
thing, but it could be viewed in such different ways.
Sometimes those discussions would escalate to arguments.
I will have to say that most often I was a listener and not
IN on the arguments.  I coined a phrase to share with
my friends that thankfully ended many an argument
before they totally go out of hand....

"Interpretation is personal and similarity is relevant"
D. Estep 1992

To quote the actor Will Smith....
"You're a new person everyday"

Expand from the INSIDE out and ~grow~.

1 comment:

sherry said...

I love that! Well, I am sooo happy to see you are a blogger! I will see," more of you," this way! Love, Sherry