Monday, February 28, 2005

The Bell Tolls For Cobra Mom

The first bells are believed to have been cast in China some 4000
years ago.  They were used as a musical instrument  by common men.
Over time the Chinese used them to show a hierarchy of power.
The emperor could have 4 bells on his palace.  A duke or prince
3 bells on his residence and so on.

Bells were rung to tell time, and also rung at the bed of a person
dying to ward of evil spirits.
Bells were used on ships to warn other vessels of their approach
during fog.   They also signaled the changing of hands upon a ship.

Our own Liberty Bell, fire engine bells, dinner bells, cow bells,
musical bells, telephone bells.
'Teacher says, everytime a bell rings and angel gets it's wings'
(from It's a Wonderful Life)
Hells Bells - Thank you AC/DC  (actually Hells Bells is an exclamation
of surprise in English slang )

That rings a bell. !!

In my long ago school days I recall being....
'Saved By The Bell', I'm sure you do too.  :))

Bells were rung to announce a birth or a death.

From the famous passage by John Donne (1573-1631).
Send Not To Know for Whom the Bell Tolls: It Tolls for Thee
Meditation 17, from Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions,  written - 1624.

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a
manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: any man’s death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to
know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.


Today I would toll a bell for Patricia Dwigins.     Pat passed yesterday
morning.    She was the founder of the military support group OPMALE ~ STAR.   Operation Make A Life Enriched ~ Saying Thanks and Remembering.

Pat started OPMALE over 10 years ago when her grandson asked her to
send some care packages to his fellow shipmates who were not getting mail.
She was tireless in her effort to support 'her kids'.
We might never know what sunshine, smiles, warmed hearts, and tears this
wonderful lady brought to OUR military.   We might not know but I am certain
that God does.   In fact I bet He is still going over all the good.

OPMALE STAR will go on.   There are many who worked along side of Pat
to make this a year long support effort.
I've been with OPMALE for over 2 years and was quite proud when she
asked me to come on the team as the Air Force support person.

               Pat signed her mail....     'Luvs ya - Cobra Mom'

We will miss this dear sweet lady and there is no doubt the world
is diminished by her loss.

~ring~    ~ring~    ~ring~    ~ring~    ~ring~   ~ring~

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