Friday, April 27, 2007

Glass-Haste = Pain


My dear friend, Damian over at ...
Be The Change - Tread The Path

has shared 3 stories about himself
and the life lessons he learned from
those times.
He has encouraged is readers
to blog and do the same.

Glass - Haste = Pain

There are so many chances everyday
for life lessons to be learned, but it would
appear that the bigger the gaff, the more
the lesson stays with us.

What I will relate was an event that happened
sometime in the past 4 years.
I was invited by a friend to give a talk to a
ladies church group about my involvement
in troop support.   

Being a military Mom,  I set aside my nearly
paralyzing fear of public speaking and agreed
to be their guest speaker for the night.

I had my notes well organized and the talk went
out without a hitch.

There were a few women in the group that
I had known through my younger son's
school, so for a few minutes I lingered and
spoke to them.

I stayed to be polite, but in all honesty I
wanted to scoot out of there as quickly as
I could.

I said my goodbyes and headed for the door.
By this time the light of day was giving away
to night time.

This church is one in my neighborhood,
but it's not one I attend so I was not all
that familiar with the exit doors.
I hurried for what I thought was the door.
Moving at a quick pace I put my hand up
thinking the door would give through.
Within seconds the glass wall did not move
and my nose pan caked right into the glass.

To say I saw instant stars would be a mild
way of putting it.    I was thankful I was still
on my feet and had not totally knocked myself out.
I was also thankful that not another soul had
chosen to exit at just the same time I did.

In that instant, the words that I so often
relate to my children came JUMPING in
my head....   "HASTE MAKES WASTE"

I only have to reach up to my nose,
and gently feel for the tiny lasting
bump to recall that lesson Ohhh so plainly.   

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