Friday, April 13, 2007

It ... Changes EVERYTHING !!!

Just imagine for a moment that you had a hand in the choosing

of the people that you have come to know in this life time. 

I am not speaking of picking different ones right now, I am saying

that before you incarnated you had a soul meeting with other

souls and you all decided.

The biggest choice would have been your parents.   They are

the ones who not only pass along genetic traits to you, but also

they form the environment in which you grew up. 

Parents are then instrumental in the formation of the person

you are today.

Whether or not you had a picture perfect childhood, or one

of struggle and pain, it all plays a hand in the person that

you have become.

Brother and sister choices would also be profoundly

important, as would the choice of mate and your own children.

The same could be said of having no siblings, no mate,

or no children of your own – the choice is still very important.

Friends too can have a huge impact, as can strangers that

you encounter who’s meeting seem random, yet at the same

time preordained.   

If I have not lost you in this imagination exercise,  and you are

still thinking whole heartedly about this,  how would it change

your thought processes towards the people of your past and

even your present.?

How could you hold anger and be unforgiving of a person

IF you knew full well you picked them for this life adventure ?

Okay, so you are thinking … “Why on Earth would I ever

pick that awful no good first husband”?

Hmmm I think you just answered the question within

your own question. !!!

It did not happen on EARTH.    It, the arrangements

happened in the before ‘Earth’ time.

The greatest spirit growth and advancement of your soul

happens under less than perfect conditions. 

The ingredients that make steel don’t just sit on a

sun drenched beach with the waves licking the sand and

automatically turn to steel.

The change happens when the ingredients are forged

in fire.    Those ingredients then go from a simple compound

to something much, much stronger.   

I also believe that there is a ~Divine Source~ who plays

a part in the order of the universe - perhaps She picks

the soul groups to begin with.

I hope you won’t read this and with a knee jerk, just

dismiss the idea entirely.

I really hope and pray that you will let it sit with you for awhile.

Think about it – let it seep into your * soul * and * wonder *....

If you do – I can assure you that --- IT --- changes EVERYTHING !!!

AND........ if you don't quite learn enough on this trip...

I think you'll even book a return flight.   :)


The New Parent said...

Hi Deb--whew, trippy! There's a theory that has circled around esoteric thought for some time called eternal recurrence.
The idea that we do come back each time, but nothing is exactly the same.
Me, I would change the "friends" I had as a child. try to pick ones who would influence me in a better direction.
Thanks again for your always thought provoking posts!

Damian said...

Hey Debs - love the images you are weaving from the new YOU.
You already know I see life as a collection of Learning Experiences that - if you take the conscious choice to play the game - will lead you to higher levels of inner knowledge and strength.
Excellent post - can't wait to see what comes next :)
Love and light to ALL,

Debra Estep said...

Hello NP,
Thanks so much for your positive
comments !!!
I've never heard it put that way before,
'eternal recurrence'. But I do agree that
nothing is exactly the same. :)
As for those kids that you would pick
differently, IF you learned something
from those choices, then you have grown.
Many don't grow from thier choices of
youth and keep repeating those choices
right through adulthood that do not serve
them well. So ... kudos to YOU on that. !!!
Being TRUE to one's self is always the
best way to be. I had not been.
This is the old me, showing a new face
of sorts.
What will people think of me had been
the question that held me back.
I've answered it by just going ahead
and being true to myself.
Soul Growth INDEED.
Thank you both for sharing the journey.

Patricia - Spiritual Journey Of A Lightworker said...

Deb, what a wonderful way of simplifying reincarnation. My best friend, the very first time we met, told me that she and I had been twins in a past life. I was just beginning to explore the possibility of reincarnation. Now I know that she was right. I am the one who told her that in one of our past lives together we were conjoined twins. That freaked her out really good. I received that information during a meditation when I felt the meshing of our energies and got a very clear picture of us joined at the hip. I don't have a time period that this happened but we were blessed by being born into a family that loved us. I know we lived into our teen years at least. Our names in this lifetime are Patricia and Pamela and people want to treat us as twins still. We are both 2 very different individuals so it is funny when people can't seem to remember which is which with our names. Thanks for your article.

Debra Estep said...

Hello Patricia,
What a great story !!!
Was Pamela quite serious when she said what she did upon your initial meeting, or was she joking around?
I'm also curious to know how long you've known one another....
ummmm on this trip. wink
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