Sunday, June 10, 2007

~ Gratitude ~ Count Your Blessings

Intending to write my blog today around Gratitude,
I went to my category list to see what I had previously
written under this topic.   

* Deb STOPS right in her tracks *

Ohhhhhhhh MY, I don't even HAVE a *Gratitude* category. !!!!!

( I do now ~ smile )

In March of 2006 I had shared these thoughts to a group
of online friends........

~ In case you are wondering how I could locate this right away,
this online forum has a searchable area....  ;)

                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

An Attitude of Gratitude

I had given my daughter Nicole this book for her birthday last month.....

Shakti Gawain's book Creative Visualization -
Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life

I then picked up a CD of the book from the library to listen to it.     I read,
but find it much easier to listen to books while I do other things.

Anyway, Gawain made a mention of gratitude.     It was an area on
affirmations that she made mention of it.     I had heard about it before,
but had not stopped to actually USE the thoughts about it, until
this past week.

I was driving through a very long 20 MPH school zone in my city.     Normally
I bitch to myself from one end to the other.....   THIS time I instantly
and with purpose changed my thoughts to gratitude.

These were my thoughts.......

"I'm grateful that I live in a country where children
CAN attend school"

"I'm grateful for the excellent school system in my city"

"I'm grateful that my son likes his teacher"   

Hmmmmmmm   I had other thoughts too, but you get the idea....
In what almost seemed like half the normal time, I was through
that school zone AND I was ONLY driving 20 MPH. !!

I might have to make myself an index card until I can
incorporate the thinking of gratitude more directly.   :))

            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jumping back to the present......

My intent and my actions obviously did not
meet up together here, because over a year later
*Gratitude* is not a daily part of my thinking.

'Count Your Blessings'   Sounds like some sage
wisdom from a Grandmother.    That thought popped
in my head as I was arranging my gratitude thoughts today.
Indeed, maybe it was one or both of my crossed over
ladies lending me a creative thought.  ;)

Count Your Blessings plain and simple is you
being grateful for the blessings in your life. 
Upon counting, you will find yourself transported
away from the other side of your life that is .....

***   Holding you down/back
***   Making you upset
***   P*issing you off
***   Fill in the blank  ______________

In my graphics program that would be a MIRROR IMAGE.

To think about gratitude is FINE........

It's remembering to incorporate that into your daily living
that is MOST important. !

Note to self:
Are you listening Deb ?

I am... thanks for the - nudge ~  wink wink

Gratitude can take on a couple of forms.
Internal and expressed.

Internal gratitude, that is where
we quietly OR with a BULL HORN .... remind ourselves of what
things in our lives we are grateful for.

Expressed is where you take the time to let someone
else know of your gratitude.

I am very grateful for my online friends who
are reading this blog....   Even the 'friends' who
might be lurker readers and I don't know who
you are.

Do you DO this ?    Do you live with gratitude ?
I'd love to hear about that.  :)

Count Your Blessings
Catchy little melody from 110 years ago.  :)
Words - worth a read too !

With gratitude to........
Edwin O. Excell - Composer
Johnson Oatman Jr. - Lyrics



EM Sky said...

You know, I use this all the time, but I didn't put together until just now, reading your post, that it was gratitude in action...
This very evening, in fact, I made a request of five different authors I've never met. In making the request, I also made a simple alternative request, one I KNOW they will want to grant (adding me to their mailing lists). Even if they don't feel they can grant the bigger request at this time, they can easily grant the smaller one, establishing a connection back with me and leaving the door open for new possibilities down the line.
It feels like gratitude in action because when I made the request, I felt genuinely joyful about connecting with them AT ALL, no matter what their specific response is at this time. Each request "worked" even before I made it because it doesn't matter what the reply will be. I'm just excited about the connections.
I thought it was awesome to read this post just after I'd done that, helping me put together the gratitude part in a conscious way--it's like instant positive feedback from the universe. Very, very cool post! (So hey, I'm super grateful for the post too!) =D

Phil Gerbyshak said...

Awesome post Deb. I am VERY grateful to have you in my life. You are an amazing lady. Glad you added a gratitude category to your life, er, your blog. We all need that. Thanks for the reminder :)