Tuesday, June 12, 2007

~~ Empath ~~

Just a couple of days ago, I was web searching looking to connect with others
are empaths.   That search led me to a site where a woman had questioned
why some
people can meet someone and know everything about them in a matter
of minutes and how
those particular people have total strangers confiding in them.

She went on to say that she considers herself a friendly person, but that did not
happen to her.

The person who was asking had also made mention of this to a group she was
with and one person’s
response was, ‘some people are empaths’.    
Even though my original search mission was to
hook up with others who are in
the know, I felt it important to share my experience and maybe
offer some insight
about this all.   
I’ll share my comment response in just a moment,

but I first want to touch on where I first recalled hearing the word ~ empath.

Commander Deanna Troi. 

For you non Trek types, in the TV show, Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Troi served aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise as the ships counselor.

( Wow – TNG made it's debut September 26, 1987 )

Man, IF that show had delved into Troi’s early days perfecting her skills as an

it certainly would have helped me process a part of myself that it has

taken me many years to understand and come to terms with.   
I’m still learning as I go though, and no doubt it was meant
to unfold in
just this way.    Come to think of it, the beauty of a rose ~ IS ~ in it’s unfolding.

Okay………. here is the comment that I shared:

I am one of ~those~ people…An empath.

I came upon this site while doing a blog search on the word empath.
It would be wonderful to meet up with others and share stories back and forth.

First off, let me start by saying I have not always used the word empath to
define myself.  I did not even know that I was one.

More than 20 years ago I can recall going to ‘amusement parks’ with my then
husband and young children. (He’s now an EX - Thank God - lol )
It would happen in less than an hour of being there…. my head was pounding
and I felt dizzy.
I tried to deal with the discomfort for the sake of my children, but I always left
with a major full blown headache.
He would rant on the drive home that Mommy is just no fun and does not like
to have a good time.

The truth would not come to me until many years later…
it was not only amusement parks, it was any place I went where there was
a great many people.
The best way to describe it would be like looking at your TV set,
but hearing about 200 different audios at once. Well it’s not like I can actually
hear conversations, but I FEEL them.  I feel when others are distressed.

It was about 5 or 6 years ago that an online friend said to me…
‘You are an empath’. He said that because of an email that I sent him …
JUST when he needed to hear from a friend.

This happens quite often. I trust my inner knowing and IF I have someone on my
mind, it could be because of some good thing, or maybe some not so good thing
going on with them.

And…… yes, people stop me ALL the time even in places like a grocery store
and out will spill a life story.

Only very recently like in the past year or so have I been able to ‘bubble myself’
and shield out some of the constant stream of emotions from others.

Hmmmm that makes me think that maybe I should post about this on my own
blog in hopes that empaths would find me.

I hope you don’t mind the extent to which I have written here to explain about it.

One more thing, I think we ALL have the ability to ~tune~ in other people.
You are a radio, but are you only tuned in to your OWN channel ?
You can adjust the dial to tune in to others and develop those empathic skills.

But let me add… it is a blessing and at times a curse.

The gal responded to me:

      Thanks for your post. It was very interesting,
      especially the part about all of us having the ability to tune in other people.

I then commented back saying:

             I was just telling a friend this yesterday in an online conversation......

Recently I read a line by author Caroline Myss…to Paraphrase her she said…
~~ We ALL have abilities. Do not refer to them as gifts. They are skills.
Skills need practice to fully develop. ~~

I am in agreement with Myss…..
I mean, who would think they could pick up a bowling ball for the first time and
bowl a 300 game.

Who knows this about me?    Well up until sometime about a year ago
only a select few.   
I mean who would go about extending one’s hand and saying…..

Hi – my name is Deb and I’m an empath.

I would not be sitting here today and talking about this if it had not been for my
~Deb~utante post back in early April.   

Speaking of the learning part of it all, it was in June of 2006 that I removed
myself from an online Air Force Parents support site of which I was the
group moderator.    In explaining to the group my reasons for
leaving, I told them this:

THOSE of you who know me WELL know that God has blessed me with a GIFT.
I call that 'gift' empathy.

An ACTUAL ABILITY to FEEL the emotions of other people.  But with this gift comes......
a personal weight of sorts.
I take in so much and at times I am mentally and even physically
BOMBARDED by emotions.

Even to the point that my own mental health is at risk.

My best friend tells me I look tired all the time....
my Mom and Dad are worried to no end and keep asking
ME IF I am okay. 'You look so tired'.

I am being TRUE to ~ME~ and myself in this decision.

Once I came to this decision....... I have not asked God for prayers for myself in this,
but I have asked him for prayers for all of you... !!!!    FOR your understanding.

A VERY long time ago, when I was a teen deciding what to DO with my life...
I choose not to go on to higher education. At the time I thought, "nothing I will ever
do can change the world."

I've learned in the past 11 or 12 years how VERY wrong I was in stating that.....

I've learned I have the ~ability~ to change the world EVERY single day...
Maybe a smile to someone, or a cheerful word... EVERYONE of us has that ability. !!!!!!!!

All I can say is that IF something of me has touched your heart and life then you
need to bring that ~spirit~ out into the world and SHOW that ~spirit~ to others.....


That was my goodbye post and after receiving great support,

and also having a few select folks email me privately saying I just could not leave,
I dropped off the site completely.    Choosing to put my needs first.   

I will have to say that not so many people questioned me on exactly WHAT an
empath was….hmmmm maybe they are Star Trek fans too.   LOL    
Or maybe they felt it’s one of those taboo type subjects that you just don’t
want to even bring up, certainly not on a group site, and maybe not even in
a private email.

It was since that time in June of last year that I have come to a new
understanding, thanks to Caroline Myss, that being an empath is a skill.   
I have also come to know how to ground and shield myself so I can function
as an empath without having to just totally close down. 
I knew shutting down would be very wrong.    Something like cutting off my

arm because I had a hang nail.    The shielding and grounding I’m still
learning how to work with that.
Stayed ~tuned~ I feel another blog topic coming about shielding and grounding.

No doubt some of you have written on this subject already, and please do link a
comment back to your site if you have.

I also want to share that 6 months later, I was able to sign back on the group,
but I did not take back the moderator duties.    This way, being a member of the
group I can pull back in times when I can not always keep the emotions
from crushing me.

So if you are an EMpath, let’s talk about it.  Here would be great,
but if you are not so comfortable sharing publicly, please do email me.


IF you have Googled your way here…   I’ve been looking for you too.    Wink  ;)

If you know someone in your life who seems to have this kind of ability to
KNOW  YOU or read you, reach out to them like my friend did and say…..   
“You are an empath”.   Then point them to this post.   :))))))

In ending …. my ~gratitude~ to Slade in an email yesterday he said this …
You are so "receptive" -- you pick up -- you're a receiver for sure.

Philco Cathedral Radio ~ 1931


Debra Estep said...

To those of you who are on a feed from
my site, I sincerely apologize
for the multiple feeds I have sent out
posting this message.
What you SEE is NOT always what you get
as you compose a post through Typepad.
Thanks for your understanding.

Sandy said...

A little over a year ago, I was sitting on my front porch, having a telephone conversation with you. You were telling me about this; and I found it so very interesting. At that time, you said you were cautious about telling people! I certainly believe it is a gift, and I KNOW it is there - I have had emails from you on numerous occassions just when I needed it!
PAFM Sandy

Debra Estep said...

Dearest... Dearest Sandy,
We have met in person a couple of
times thanks to our Air Force parents
gatherings.... You ARE the first
person from our AF group that I shared too.
Immediate family who KNOW me.. knew of this,
and some other online WHooooooooo who friends.
But.......... to share direct with someone
back then when I was in a TAIL spin of sorts,
was a BIG HUGE comfort for me.
Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I type this.
Thankful for YOU !!!!! Thank you for sharing
back to me today. !
Ya KNOW... there is a tiny voice....
no doubt ego that kept saying....
"Wow deb ... what a nut job you are".
TODAY........... I have that ego in it's place.
Stepping forward and being in the open about
the parts of me that MAKE ME .. ME
are so liberating.
THANK YOU for being a special part of my journey.
I know we both thank God for our ~connection~.

EM said...

Hey, Deb. Abilities like you're describing here, I know they're real. I've seen it. And not just this. Healing, empathy, messages from the angels... so many things. The Universe is an amazing place, and we don't know the half of it.

K-L Masina | Join the Evolution said...

Hey Deb,
Thanks for pointing me to this post...
My story is somewhat different, in that people at high school etc always called me The Ice Queen (or a snob...) because I seemed so cut off and hemmed in.
Now I see this as a coping technique developed as a child.
Like you, I'm not a big fan of going to busy places. Can't cope with rock concerts at all. Used to be quite the bar fly - but was only really comfortable at places I knew well and was adept at turning my energy onto project rather than receive... Oh, course, doing this took an enormous amount of energy and effort...
My husband does complain about me being 'no fun' somethings, because of my reluctance to "party"....
Maybe I should point him to this post.
Much joy,

Debra Estep said...

Hello Kara-Leah,
Thanks for stopping by and checking out
this post.
By ALL means direct your DH here. :))))
I'm certain if he understood to what
degree this affects you, he might have
a change of heart about his take on
how 'no fun' you are.
I really believe that your raised level
of awarness will help you TUNE
down the parts of groups and being out,
that bombard folks like US.
It was at KL's post here that she comments
on 'interconnectedness'.
A blog comment directed KL to the word...
AND..... speaking of interconnectedness,
I think it's no accident that KL's post
happens to contain Fire The Grid info too.
Welcome Kara-Leah and welcome to your hubby too.

Shu said...

Hi Deb,
I was surprised to find this entry of yours, especially through google, and the fact you've been waiting for us too. Strange yet, slightly humorous.
I myself, am an un-open Empath, I'm not that public about it in other words. I do hide this 'Ability' to some extent, though it's pretty hard.
I hate public places and going to them alone is certainly not favored, well, I am unfamiliar with the different energies of others, so they become overwhelming and so exhausting..
I only started to admit to myself I was an Empath because it got really bad at the end of 2007 when I became unbearably emotional and practically cried myself a river over something so stupid. I do not remember what it was oddly enough.
Lately, I've been shielding myself as much as I can from the unwanted emotions, they're too much to deal with along with my own feelings.
I remember a few weeks ago something that I didn't want to ever happen, happened.
My friend was really upset about a comment her Drama teacher had made to her, she arrived at the Visual Arts room in tears. I couldn't even touch her, or go near her. I became scared of her and helpless. Her misery was just that bad that my Empath abilities were wailing inside of me. I was so close to breaking down. But I couldn't let that happen. I said some things to boost her spirit, if it worked is beyond me, but all I remember was feeling so sad, and so fearful, just so fearful of myself.
I was afraid of this happening, and still am. I know I can't handle Sorrow, Depression, Grief, Sacrifice and oh yes, the incredible deep, dark sadness. I get unstable. I know I do.
I can hardly be in the same room as someone feeling such upsetting things. Negative emotions are too powerful for me and no matter what I do, I can't block it out.
I try, but fail.
Happiness, joy and all that nice stuff is perfectly fine and works well with me. Nothing like a free happy-high; I smile when they smile, I laugh when they laugh..
As for Pain, Physical Pain. Hmmm, I've yet to grasp that, I'm semi-new to this even though I understand it in my own way to some extent, I lack the words to describe it. I do get the odd pain from people.
Dreams are not always fun for me either. %80 of the time I have nightmares and end up waking up in a terrible state, emotional + Physical. My dreams are too real and clear.
I've had dreams that have come true, and boy do they tend to be embarrassing, especially when you try to tell your teacher you've already done that work sheet and don't have any proof to support yourself for that claim. LOL.
Oh the things I've had to put up with because of this. I don't enjoy being an Empath, it's like one of those annoying mosquito bites, it itches and when you really need to scratch it to sooth that itch, it bleeds and hurts. It's a nuisance to me. I have not found it very helpful in my life. I find the need to isolate myself in order to cope.
People do call me a Freak, weirdo, emo and the likes, but what do they know about me to judge me so blindly?
I certainly know what they're doing, cause I can feel it, so I can ignore them all the more because I understand. But I must admit I want to punch a few lot cause they deserve it.
Anyway, I'm sure I've said enough. I appreciate you doing a post about this sort of thing, it's sort of an interesting subject, I myself have so much more to say on this matter ~ :D

Debra Estep said...

Hello Shu,
You don't have a link to your name so I can't reach you that way... I'll just trust that you saved this post in a bookmark and will come back to see a response from me.
BUT..... as you can see I have not been to my own blog in a long while. !!!
Shu, I felt this huge peaceful feeling reading your comment. All the while inside it was a feeling of YIPPY another person coming forward to talk. It is HUGE, and big in our lives, but it does not have to crush us. Your awareness is a key to understanding. I can recall a time when I had no word for it. YUCK. Now the knowing has helped me so very much.
I can even deal with some things that would have in another time just smashed me to bits.
So...... I'm sending out this ~vibe~ to you.. Shu... come back. SMILE.
AND A hug - {{{{{ Shu }}}}}

Shu said...

I'm glad you got to see my post on your journal/Blog ~ and I most certainly did save this as a book mark in hopes to hear from a nice individual such as yourself as email's don't seemed to be linked to a users post ~ >_> ~ xD ~ 83
[I had expected you to bring that up actually ~ lmao]
I do indeed feel peaceful and somewhat 'Yippy', it's not everyday, after all, that I get to talk about this sort of strange ability, so it certainly does feel great to let some Empath-Steam off ~ lol.
Strange but true.
I do hope that one day I'll be able to understand it more, if not, then be able to tolerate it, possibly even use it if people are willing to accept me and it.
I'm not too sure what this vibe is, but if my vocabulary can describe it, it's somewhat; Comforting, reassuring and friendly. I'd like to talk more, if that's another way to put it.
I like trying to be bubbly with people, making them cheery, makes me cheery, so it's WIN/WIN for both parties ~ xD ~ lol.
As for smile, I don't do it very often, take it for a true fact, but I'll do it for you ~ :)
Many hugs and cheers back, Deb!
~ Shu
[Feel free to stay in touch ~ 83]

Debra Estep said...

Hello Shu,
I've edited out your email address from your comment post. But I have saved it.
I've also sent you 2 emails. One on the 16th and one on the 18th. I hope those are getting through to you.
xo xo