Wednesday, January 23, 2008

~* Letting Go *~

The following is a post I had made to some military friends in
March of 2003.        

~* Letting Go *~

DO THIS RIGHT NOW...   REALLY.... DO THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!

Take both of your hands.
Turn them palms up, and make tight fists.


Your see your finger tips turning white....
You are feeling a painful feeling in your hands,
and the pain is now even being felt in the muscles up your arms....  
Keep holding,
your finger nails might even be digging into the
palms of your hands.

NOW -----------     
~* LET GO *~

Slowly open your hands....

Your fingers unravel as you extend and stretch them.
~* take a deep breath *~ and REALLY feel the letting GO.

Relax your shoulders and let go a little more,
a few more deep breaths.

Looking at your open hands, palms up envision the letting go.....

See the built up 'THINGS'

(garbage - crap - anger - frustration - guilt - hurt )

All just running out of your finger tips.........

That is   
~* Letting GO *~

You can use this exercise MANY times in a day to remind yourself to let go.
As you start out, you might have to physically grip your hands, after awhile you can mentally do the letting go.

I made up this ~* Letting Go *~  in 2003 to help my daughter Nicole through a difficult time.  She would stop in to see me, and in talking to me of her life issues, I could see the emotion and crap just building up inside of her.

She was like a tightly corked bottle .... under pressure that at any second was ready to explode.

One day as I was talking to her, I had my hands extended palms up, raising them up and down  and saying....

"Honey, you just have to let this go" !!!!!!!!!!!!

At that moment... it came to me to show her through my hands.... what she was doing to herself IN HOLDING IT ALL INSIDE eating away at her just like the pain you felt in the tight fist.

That was the ~*birthday*~ of ~* LETTING GO*~.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

This came back to me yesterday when my daughter (age 25) was
talking to me and telling me how she had shared to a
friend that they needed to let something go.....
She even used the hands in a fist to illustrate  ~*Letting Go*~

That....... is parental pay dirt.  !!!


Charles Hamel said...

Great exercise! Thanks, and I will add this to my practices when I am feeling overwhelmed or stress.
Stress is a common thing that we as human all experience, and it is a very un-healthy feeling at that, which can cause serious health issues.
Now I have a way of Letting it Go...
Great article

Deb Estep said...

HI Charles,
Thanks for dropping in. :)
I find when I am not being mindful, stress can
build up. The ~*Letting go*~ is like a volcano
venting rather than blowing up.
My youngest child is 11 and even he has
benefited from this.

Debbie Angel said...

Perfect...because I seem to always have fists balled up and try to remember to let them relax. Now each time I catch myself I will do this exercise! Deb, you've been a Godsend and you can't know how much I appreciate you being there.
I think I need to cut my tiny little finger nails though first LOL

Patricia - Spiritual Journey of A Lightworker said...

Deb, what a great idea to let go. I will definitely use it and send the email with this article in it to all of my family and friends. So simple to do and remember and so very effective. Genius at work. Have a glorious day.

Deb Estep said...

Hey Debbie & Patricia,
Thank you both for commenting and I'm happy to
know this simple something of ~*Letting Go*~
could be useful. :)
Come to think of it, it's a good thing I talk
with my hands or it would never have come to me
when it did. lol