Monday, January 14, 2008

~ Welcome To My World ~


This is scan I made of a small plaque I picked up
for myself when I was Christmas shopping.

I found it at the dollar store.    It now has a prominent
place on the wall in my kitchen.

I've loved this quote since I saw it a few years back.
To me, it embodies everything eccentric -
deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct
especially in odd or whimsical ways )
- I feel about myself.

I attempted to scan it straight, but this is how it
first came out....   SO..... I left it that way. 

:)     A little crooked

1 comment:

Patricia - Spiritual Journey Of A Lightworker said...

Deb, what a great way to live your life. I got called weird yesterday at the Chiropractor's office because I take my shoes off for a treatment. I was told to take my shoes off at the first chiropractic appointment that I ever went to years ago and I have done so with each visit since then. I thought everybody did it. I told the lady I was ok with being weird. Different is great. Part of being Saggittarian. How boring would the world be if we all were like robots doing everything the same way all the time. It sounds like some sci-fi nightmare to me.